24 October 2009

Number Thirty-Five

It is absolutely amazing how much cleaning can be done in the space of half an hour when one is properly motivated.

Number Thirty-Four

If you expect the worst, the day has nowhere to go but up.

Number Thirty-Three

You may think you don't like gelato, but that's only because you didn't have really good gelato. Taste the good stuff, and you'll like it. I promise.

14 October 2009

Number Thirty-Two

If you have a trip to pack for, it is best to do your packing more than an hour before you need to leave for said trip

08 October 2009

Number Thirty-One

If you have strawberry yogurt in one hour and strawberry gelato in the next hour, the strawberry gelato will taste and feel awful, because your brain is expecting more strawberry yogurt.